I love September, and the other Autumn months! The combination of heat/humidity can get oppressive, and we get it all summer long here. Ugh!! This time of year, the temperature begins to drop and so does the humidity, and that makes getting outside so much more enjoyable. October will be even nicer. This is an old picture, probably taken up in the Poconos in Pennsylvania, as our trees here are still green, but the colors will change here soon!
AND, I’m starting to think of meals, desserts, breads than need the oven to be turned on! I admit to avoiding using the oven as much as possible during the summer months, while I am simultaneously paying a fortune to have the air-conditioner running! Seems counter-productive, doesn’t it? (And stupidly expensive!) But now, I’m thinking about that recipe I found for Hawaiian Rolls, and home-made cinnamon rolls, a pork roast with the gravy poured over mashed potatoes.
Clearly, I’m not thinking of any sort of dieting!
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Like I haven’t already got enough “stuff” to fill 3 houses??? I needed to buy MORE???
While shopping over the weekend, I saw a set of Corelle dishes with RED as the accent color, and I had to have them. (Same thing happens every time I see a red car in a dealer’s lot!) We bought one package of dishes, service for 4, which should be more than enough for our needs in our travel trailer, 95% of the time, . We can always grab a package of paper plates, just in case we have extras drop in.
AND I found a reasonable set of flatware, already in a holder!
Looking around my kitchen, I have to admit that I already have enough stuff to open a restaurant and may just carry some of that cookware out to the trailer (freeing up space for NEW SHIT in here!) especially if I know I’ll be cooking something big. May take a trip down to the outlets south of here after payday – seems to me there’s an outlet with Revereware and Corning stuff, and other kitchen items. We’ll need a can opener, a decent set of knives, servings spoons, etc. Doesn’t have to be finest quality – just has to get the veggies to your plate. And I’m sure that the longer I think, the longer the list of stuff I “need” will grow. I should start with sorting through what’s here in the house and pulling out duplicates, but I bet that doesn’t happen.
We now have a place to store the new trailer, and the insurance company will begin coverage on the day we take possession. I found out that the liability protection is covered under the tow vehicle’s existing policy, so all we’ll get hit for beyond that is a collision policy for the value of the trailer.
We’re both spending time on the internet, investigating different organizations that provide services aimed at RV-ers. There are several that rate campgrounds, such as KOA, Good Sam’s, and there are sites for State and National Parks, many of which offer camp sites. We get an idea in our head of a neat place to see/visit and then can search out what is available in those areas.
Daughter lives about 650 miles from here, and that’s one of our proposed destinations. Husband and I are both “History Nerds/Freaks” so we’re looking for “Points of Historical Interest” midway between here and there, for a possible stopover on the way! I’ve only been up to Gettysburg once (Husband is a Pennsylvania native with MANY visits under his belt) but we’d both like to visit there again, and also in Lancaster County, PA. And everywhere else between here and THERE (wherever THERE might take us!) I love lighthouses, and there’s plenty of them that I haven’t seen or photographed.
I’m looking forward to getting out and about more (much more) with my wonderful camera. Sadly, it has spent too much time safely packed away in a big camera bag. When we used to get out and do more, I took more pictures. During the years that grandchildren were small AND nearby, I was always clicking that shutter. But… kids grow up, move away, and really don’t want the old bat always in their face with a big camera lens. I expected that, with retirement, husband and I would be enjoying each other as we went about and did things together. I remember a few different days at state parks nearby, and then came the Lockdown.
I stopped posting pictures here. I stopped taking pictures there.
With few exceptions, our trips out of the house have been to the grocery store, the pharmacy and doctor’s offices, as needed, and I didn’t take any pictures at Wal-Mart! Perhaps, because of that, we’ve stayed Covid-free, and I’m grateful. But the sole subject matter here at home for picture-taking has been a large, fat dog sleeping on the couch, and a sleepy husband sitting on the couch, watching the television. You all don’t need to be as bored as I am!
We are both looking forward to getting out on the road. He is aware it’s been a few years since he’s towed a trailer on the job daily, and admits he’ll feel more comfortable after he’s had our trailer on the road for some amount of mileage. I have no doubt this will all come back to him.
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