Archive for the 'WTF?' Category

Technology woes!

Published on February 8, 2013

I have a new mouse. It matches the new laptop. I’m having more luck with the mouse than the new Windows 8 so far, but must admit that things are getting better. I miss the Start button!!! I knew where I was on the old one, and could find things without excessive swearing, but those […]

And the next chapter…

Published on December 20, 2012

(Those of you who read my posts may be aware of the first part of today’s story, but bear with me, as the story continues) We have the same days off this week – I had to take a vacation day to do it. Just like everyone else this time of year, I’ve got an enormous […]

Only me

Published on June 3, 2012

It could only happen to me!  Who else has a “brassiere emergency” on their way out to have a few beers???  I mean, really! The day started out fine. I was asleep. Then the damn alarm clock went off at 0520 and it started going downhill. Sunday is my normal day off, but several weeks […]