Archive for the 'Household' Category

Plans to be made, chores, crafting

Published on July 9, 2014

PLANS We are taking a vacation this summer, and this time, we’re going SOUTH, instead of our usual “North to the Poconos” each October. There’s a reason for this deviation from our normal routine. Actually, there are 6 reasons. We’ll be driving further, be away longer, burn more gas,  kennel the dog for so long […]

Update, long overdue

Published on June 29, 2014

I am still alive, and have no bona fide reason for such a lack of posts.  I could come up with some thoughts that might be reasonable and understandable by other people with lives, and things to do other than sit with a laptop on their lap. But why bother? And I’m not going to […]


Published on February 21, 2013

While reading the grocery sales this week, I noticed that a store I particularly like had chicken breasts on sale with a “quantity buy” and suggested to Himself that perhaps we should run down there and pick up a 10-pound bag. His response referred to the amount of goods already “cooling their heels” in my […]