Archive for January, 2010

As luck would have it

Published on January 11, 2010

I get up for work early, stagger out to the kitchen, and thank all that is holy for the concept of a coffeemaker with a timer that has the coffee ready to pour as I approach. Otherwise, I would just stand there, stupified, and cry silently. It usually takes a while for me to wake […]

The proof is in the thinking

Published on January 7, 2010

Theorem n. An idea that has been demonstrated as true or is assumed to be so demonstrable. Mathematics. A proposition that has been or is to be proved on the basis of explicit assumptions. Worry is stressful. Worrying produces extra stress. More stress when you clearly need less. The more stress you have, well, hell, the more […]

Random Thoughts Again

Published on January 6, 2010

I love my red Ford Escape, an SUV but a smaller one. It meets my needs. But on cold mornings, of which we’ve had many lately, I miss my old “Toad,” the dark green ’99 Jeep Cherokee Sport I used to have. One Christmas, the kids got together and got me an after-market automatic starter thingie and […]