Archive for the 'Crafts' Category

Plans to be made, chores, crafting

Published on July 9, 2014

PLANS We are taking a vacation this summer, and this time, we’re going SOUTH, instead of our usual “North to the Poconos” each October. There’s a reason for this deviation from our normal routine. Actually, there are 6 reasons. We’ll be driving further, be away longer, burn more gas,  kennel the dog for so long […]

Update, long overdue

Published on June 29, 2014

I am still alive, and have no bona fide reason for such a lack of posts.  I could come up with some thoughts that might be reasonable and understandable by other people with lives, and things to do other than sit with a laptop on their lap. But why bother? And I’m not going to […]

And the next chapter…

Published on December 20, 2012

(Those of you who read my posts may be aware of the first part of today’s story, but bear with me, as the story continues) We have the same days off this week – I had to take a vacation day to do it. Just like everyone else this time of year, I’ve got an enormous […]