Archive for November, 2009

Once is enough

Published on November 9, 2009

Husband gets a lot of mail.  Nothing important, though. Most of the bills come in my name, the utilities and such, because the companies make you show a photo ID to open the billing accounts for electric, phone, cable, whatever, and I was the one that went to all those folks and got everything started – at […]


Published on November 8, 2009

    “Driving” is a skill that almost all of us learn – and after the fact, we tend to forget how much thought and concentration went into the learning part.  Today, I drive all over, think nothing of getting in my car and driving to Florida, or upstate NY or Maine or Indiana (except […]

Random Thoughts, Episode 3

Published on November 7, 2009

Why do “parts” only itch when your hands are wet/dirty OR you’re in a meeting with important people? Bitching about a weight issue ought to provide sufficient exercise to correct the situation. If I ran the world, that’s the way it would be. How come my husband had no idea what I was talking about […]