Archive for March, 2009

It has SPRUNG!!!!

Published on March 17, 2009

On a nice day last fall, I took the wee fellows out into the front yard with a bag of crocus bulbs and dull butter knives. Just like I did almost 30 years ago with my own, I sat with K’s boys on the ground under a tree, showed them how to shove the knife […]

It’s Friday already?

Published on March 13, 2009

I was off yesterday, and will work on Saturday in it’s stead. Got the fasting blood tests done first thing, and got the last (I hope!!) chest x-ray taken, after January’s debacle with aspiration pneumonia. Then Pop and I spent the day moving stuff from that storage locker back to the house. I would love to […]

Lolly says, “Go NORTH, young knitter”

Published on March 11, 2009

or something like that.  She said it over here on her recent post, part of Project Spectrum’s focus on NORTH during March and April.  Go out, find North and take pictures of what you see, what appeals to you, what represents north to you. My next-door neighbor’s side door and trash bin didn’t appeal to […]