Archive for December, 2008

One of the joys of the season

Published on December 11, 2008

Over the weekend, I noticed that my throat was a bit scratchy.  Hell, always being around little boys that are in Day Care 5 days a week brings a lot of germs into the house, but I manage to stay ahead of almost all of them.  I get less colds than everyone else around here.  But […]

With a little help from my friends

Published on December 8, 2008

Skype is a really great thing.  In this Computer Age, I’m still amazed by some of this technology.  Having started out 40 years ago as a telephone operator on an old switchboard with cords like this – uh, exactly like this and spent several years as an overseas LongLines operator where calls went from country to […]

Old book

Published on December 3, 2008

I love this book, for so many reasons. As far as I know, though, it was not the reason for my childhood nickname.  I have my older brothers to thank for that, and I’m not sure how it got started.  Some corruption of Patricia, I’ve always thought.  When it comes to older brothers, I was […]