Archive for April, 2008

Purchases, classes

Published on April 15, 2008

About two weeks ago, a camera leaped upon me while I was walking innocently through a large local department store.  This store has a Ritz Camera store within it, and I have bought from them had cameras leap upon me before, while walking casually to the exit.  As I trade in the store often, and […]

This idea has merit

Published on April 14, 2008

Thought for the day               Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you can’t eat it or play with it, Pee on it and walk away.  (Stuff I get in my e-mail!) 

The long list

Published on April 13, 2008

of things I am stupid about is ever lengthening.  Some of the things on the list don’t bother me.   I mean, I know nothing, nada, about astrophysicists or what they do, or where they do it, or what sort of clothing is appropriate for them to wear to work.  (and I don’t care, really)  I can’t […]