Archive for April, 2008

Cherry Blossoms back home

Published on April 25, 2008

My mouse often takes the same convoluted paths as my brain.  And I was lost wandering about the internet today, looking at socks and ambitious projects and flowers and dog lead-thingies to make the poodle behave and cable sweaters –  well, that’s the way my mind works, ya know. So I went to a site and […]

That damn Signpost again

Published on April 24, 2008

In 2 days times, it went up another 10 cents.  Damn!!  I swear they’re changing the price while you’re standing at the pumping filling your tank. And two days ago, when I drove by here and only photographed it at 10 cents less per gallon, I should have filled up the tank.  Now I NEED […]

We want him for his body!

Published on

Yep, we all do! It’s difficult for Pop around here, with all of us after his body.  He’s trying to cope.  As best he can. For an old man!! First, I needed his scrawny ankle and foot, to test the socks for length, and to model them for blog pictures. At first, he gave me a […]