Archive for February, 2008

We have wind!!

Published on February 11, 2008

Oh, that sounds bad!   And along that vein, it’s the dog that’s got the problem.  Again.  Still. A co-worker said if a dog is fed chicken or turkey, that’ll give them wind.  Is that true?  That could be it; we eat a lot of chicken at our house, and despite years of asking Pop to […]

My Gadget Bag

Published on February 9, 2008

I listened to a knitting podcast this week that was about what tools, gadgets and such the knitter/podcaster carried with her. So I looked into my gadget bag, that I transfer from tote to tote, always with whatever project I am immediately working on. I spread my stuff out on my coffee table, just to see […]

I’ll do it!

Published on February 8, 2008

Actually, we had a very warm day, where coats weren’t needed at all. Damn odd for early February. When I picked the fellows up from day care, I told them not to bother even putting their jackets on. But Sir A. really wanted to show off how well he puts on his coat all by […]