Archive for February, 2008

I love to pet Roving

Published on February 15, 2008

Here’s a picture.  I had to do this.  I had to bundle all a lot of my roving up, put it all together in a basket out where I’ll see it all 40 zillion times a day.  Perhaps this will keep me from buying more.  And more.  There’s just so much time I can spend on spinning […]

Getting ready for Spring?

Published on February 14, 2008

I’m ready for crocuses to come up across the front lawn, from the bulbs that the grandtwins helped me plant last fall.  Really, it hasn’t been that bad a winter.  Reasonably decent temperatures for most of it, but interspersed with absolutely bone-chilling short damn cold snaps that are just too much for an old woman to deal with first […]

Several small thoughts

Published on February 12, 2008

That’s all I have today, I think, but if something else wanders into my brain, I’ll add it on.  Don’t wait up, though. On my way to work yesterday while I was scooting down the highway, I was passed, very quickly I might add, by a pick-up truck that had “Reliable Lawn Service” written on its side.  As […]