Archive for the 'WTF?' Category


Published on November 18, 2009

I admit I let the phone messages sit there untended for way too long. Damn phone batteries wouldn’t hold charge, and when I went through the prompts, hit this button and that button, key in your PIN, well, by then the damn thing died in my hand before I even got to the first message, We […]

A mind is a terrible thing to lose

Published on November 16, 2009

Kids, I hate to tell ya this, but there’s another reason you’re all getting nuttin’ for Christmas. It’s not because you’ve been bad – you probably have been, but I just don’t catch you at as much shit as I used to when you all were still young and here at home. Nope, it’s something else. I’ve […]

Once is enough

Published on November 9, 2009

Husband gets a lot of mail.  Nothing important, though. Most of the bills come in my name, the utilities and such, because the companies make you show a photo ID to open the billing accounts for electric, phone, cable, whatever, and I was the one that went to all those folks and got everything started – at […]