Archive for the 'WTF?' Category

As the Toilet Flushes

Published on March 27, 2008

So goes my life – a downward spiral, down the hopper, funnier every day, if you’re the sort that laughs at large-scale natural disasters of all kinds. I had a thought the other night.  Odd event, I know, but thinking it didn’t stun me into forgetting it.  All of us are aging and as we […]

Check your prescriptions, damn it

Published on March 18, 2008

I had to have eye surgery (again) about 3 weeks ago, because I couldn’t see out of my eye and the doctor couldn’t see in.  Two weeks later, when he got a good look through the hole he punched, he didn’t like the swelling and inflammation that he saw there, seemingly a normal condition for […]

My Gadget Bag

Published on February 9, 2008

I listened to a knitting podcast this week that was about what tools, gadgets and such the knitter/podcaster carried with her. So I looked into my gadget bag, that I transfer from tote to tote, always with whatever project I am immediately working on. I spread my stuff out on my coffee table, just to see […]