Archive for the 'WTF?' Category

A Monster is gonna get us

Published on May 1, 2008

One of the things that Dover is known for is The Monster Mile, the NASCAR track called Dover Downs. A mile oval track with steep banking turns. (its a real monster to drive, I’m told) Twice a year, races are held, 180,000 people jam into this small town, all is bedlam for days, much money […]

Debacle of de BillPay

Published on April 1, 2008

My bank offers BillPay service, but I continued with the old tried-and-true method that I’d used since sand was still big rocks my first checking account, right out of school.  With paper checks and paper registers to keep the records.   And it’s worked for me, and I’ve stayed on top of things and bills got paid […]

I’m gonna grow up, I promise

Published on March 31, 2008

But until I do, I expect that I’ll continue to drive with the radio a bit loud.  I’ve been doing this for better than 40 years now, and unlikely to change much from here on out.  It’s not so loud that pedestrians are deafened.  In fact, as far as I know, my hearing hasn’t been impacted […]