Archive for the 'WTF?' Category

Old enough to know better

Published on May 27, 2008

But apparently, not smart enough!! Remember me posting about my glorious day on Sunday?     Peace and quiet, house to myself? I grabbed up the wheel and fiber, a cold drink, went outside into the glorious sunshine and spun and spun and spun. Wonderful. Painful.   Damn fool.  My shoulders are redder, but more difficult to photograph! […]

Gas Price is up again

Published on May 23, 2008

   Gas Price 05-21-08, originally uploaded by Petunia509. Surprise!! Surprise!! Who would have thought the price of gas would go so high? And then, go even higher? Who would have thought that the price could get this high AND my head wouldn’t spontaneously explode when I first saw it?   Impossible.  Nobody would believe THAT!! I […]

Look out!!

Published on May 22, 2008

Yesterday, on the way home from work, I saw a gorgeous Mustang.   One of those cars that makes you wish you could shave decades years off your real age, and just get behind the wheel and cruise – assuming that the price of gas doesn’t require a second loan against the vehicle.  I mean, this […]