Archive for the 'WTF?' Category

Does stuff really come in 3’s??????

Published on October 1, 2008

Last week, on Sept 21, I went up to Stitches with Style in Newark, bought some yarn-ish goodies and filled out a coupon for each $25 I spent, as part of the Delmarva Yarn Crab-Crawl.  At the end of the week, all coupons were to be gathered and a name would be drawn.   That was part of […]

Only the finest of outings for me, ya know

Published on September 27, 2008

Last night, Pop and I went to Wal-Mart.  We were out of dog food, poor Sophie had about 9 kibbles in her bowl and the bag was empty.  (we buy dog food in a sack so big that Pop has to sling it up on his shouldder to carry it)  There’s other places to get […]

The music’s gonna get ya

Published on September 12, 2008

I work in a secured area, inside a secured area, inside what you could call a “gated community.”    I have to go through security checks to get in.  Drive up and show an ID, which is scrutinized.  I’m checked to make sure I match the picture on the card.  Every day.  The card is handled, turned […]