Archive for the 'Techie Devices' Category

Packing it up

Published on January 29, 2012

Takes as much or more time for me to decide on craft projects, knitting/spinning supplies AND devices (laptop, cell, cameras, Kindle, Sat Radio, iPod) and their various travel cases and charging/syncing cords as it does for me to gather up the clothes I’ll need when I’m away. Paul is at work this morning and fears […]

Plans being made, and other stuff

Published on January 14, 2012

I’m making plans to go places, get things done, be a bit more productive, knit more, use my crock pot more, rotate what’s in the freezer and stay away from chocolate.

Thoughts of the day

Published on January 4, 2012

Thoughts that have run through my head today really bounced around to various topics, ’cause my head never stays still!