Archive for the 'States' Category

It’s officially SUMMER!!

Published on June 20, 2012

As of about 7pm this evening, it’s officially gotten here. The Summer Solstice And it’s been the hottest day of the year so far, and may be the hottest it’ll get all summer. It hit 97°F here today, and with the humidity so high, it put the index up to around 105°F. Tomorrow is supposed […]

Only me

Published on June 3, 2012

It could only happen to me!  Who else has a “brassiere emergency” on their way out to have a few beers???  I mean, really! The day started out fine. I was asleep. Then the damn alarm clock went off at 0520 and it started going downhill. Sunday is my normal day off, but several weeks […]

Random pictures, taken in the last 6 weeks

Published on June 1, 2012

I found some pictures while searching through my hard drive for something else, and I can’t remember what I was looking for to start with. This is not unusual for me. Gift I got for birthday/Mother’s Day from Number One Son. He knows I’m a camera freak; have more cameras than I need; always looking […]