Archive for the 'Delaware' Category

Yes, I do love Autumn

Published on October 8, 2010

Where I live, it’s always HUMID for at least 7 months a year!!  We run air-conditioning for months at a time, never turning it off.  Even if the temperature drops to a bearable level, the A/C stays on to keep the humidity out of the house. If you don’t, when you sit on the furniture, you wonder […]

It’s that time of year…

Published on October 4, 2010

that I used to buy a big pumpkin. We would cut it open, scoop out it’s “innards” and carve a face on it.  Then it got carried to the front porch, and the candle inside glowed for all to see the scary (?) face.  Then it rotted in it’s place and was gotten rid of. […]


Published on April 1, 2010

I took this standing on my front porch, looking into the sunset. Red sky at night?