Archive for the 'Delaware' Category

Busy day, Thursday

Published on November 3, 2011

We were both off – for husband, his first after 15 days of working. They had a “staffing shake-up” at work, and the end result is that the few are working many extra hours to cover the office 24/7. Luckily, he was the one chosen to work day shifts, at least 6 a week, until […]

Race Sunday

Published on October 2, 2011

Had plans for a leisurely Sunday – Woke up to the sounds of loudspeakers. Is something already going on over at the track or is it crowd/traffic control in the madness that is very nearby? Not sure. Shortly after, I heard the first of many planes and helicopters overhead, filming the traffic now and the race […]


Published on March 4, 2011

So goes the spinning. It’s 3-plied, washed and dried. When I find my swift, I’ll wind it. And here’s the proof that spring will come – I saw it yesterday! See the buds???   They’re coming!