Archive for the 'Delaware' Category

A Thursday off from work

Published on August 21, 2008

to drive to Wilmington to see the eye surgeon.  The eye is doing well.  No flares, no irritation, no redness.  Stay with the meds once a day; come back in 6 months.  Bad eye would be capable of 20/20 – well it sort-of is, if I could get the debris inside to just stay still […]

So I’m so slow to post

Published on August 12, 2008

Lately, I’m lucky if I’ve got time to shower. I’ve added much to my schedule – and feel like I’m going like a maniac all the time and getting very little done!  Gotta get more organized or something.  Pop and I went out to JP’s for dinner and a few beers.  It’s probably my favorite […]

Returning to Earth now

Published on July 28, 2008

We are back.  Tired.  Sore in spots.  Grinning.  And sorry it’s all over. Started out with a mad dash on Friday evening, 18 July.  As we planned on leaving quite early Saturday morning, we needed to take our Sophie poodle to the kennels the night before.  Pop couldn’t get off work until 5p, and we […]