Archive for the 'Medical Issues' Category

Ups and downs

Published on March 7, 2008

Another trip to the eye surgeon today.  This time, thanks to the surgery 2 weeks ago that punched a hole in the capsule that holds the lens in place, he could see in.  And he was pleased that, after almost a year of vision that degraded to legal blindness in the one eye, I can […]

A mid week day off!!!

Published on February 21, 2008

First, we got some snow last night.  Nothing like much of the country gets all the time, but this is Delaware, and anything more than 42 flakes in a day practically closes the damn state.  We had this much – which is a lot for here —    It looks attractive if you photograph it […]

Happy New Year!

Published on December 31, 2007

No, I haven’t fallen off the planet.   No, I haven’t gotten much done. Pop is home from the hospital; he managed to get in the door just a few minutes ahead of Santa, or so it seemed.  Little got done at home while he was in the hospital as I was running back and forth, around and around like […]