Archive for the 'Medical Issues' Category

An anniversary of sorts

Published on June 27, 2008

Yesterday was the 26th. Of June. 15 months. After a lifetime as a smoker, I now, finally, consider myself a NON-smoker. It’s taken me 15 months to get here. I used medication recommended by my doctor, followed the directions for increasing the dosage over the first week, and quit on the 8th day. Jim’s birthday. […]

Guided by Love

Published on June 19, 2008

I surf the net a lot.  My life would be better organized, I would get more done, my floors would be cleaner, were it not so. I read quite a few blogs.  This also takes time away from the floor cleaning tasks.   To speed up the process, I use the Google Reader software, and it checks all […]

Saturday update

Published on April 19, 2008

Eye stuff First – no needles in the eye, which I’m sure is everyone’s favorite theme for a Horror Movie.  Meds, 3X a day, brought the swelling down in the retinal to almost normal levels.  As it’s responding to meds, Dr sees no need to escalate to injections.  At this point, I started to breathe […]