Archive for the 'Holidays' Category

Holiday money pits

Published on November 23, 2011

Just read an article on unexpected holiday expenses and must heartily concur with every point, having “been there, done that” on every one! If there is a mistake to be made, I’ve already refined the technique through many practice sessions. Utility costs – Your electric bill is going to be higher, for all those holiday […]

Veterans Day

Published on November 11, 2011

Here in the US, today is Veterans Day. I’ve known a lot of Veterans, being connected in many ways with the military community for so many years. I am of the “VietNam generation” and lost many friends. I’m aware of the scars brought back from that time; not all are visible on casual glance. Many are well hidden still. […]

Early January update

Published on January 11, 2011

We’ve gotten through the holidays – kids were all here on the weekend before, due to scheduling conflicts, but it worked out well as I had to work on the actual holiday; that’s how it goes when you work in the health care field.  And when daughter and husband went off for a week ALONE, […]