Archive for the 'Holidays' Category

A Corn-y Tradition

Published on July 8, 2008

On the weekend surrounding the 4th of July in the USA, a lot of sweet corn is eaten.   LIke roasting a turkey on our Thanksgiving, this is just what we here in the US do!   And almost every single kernal of corn eaten this weekend was chewed directly off the cob.  That, too, is what […]

March 26 – an epic date

Published on March 26, 2008

Jimps First, it’s Jim’s birthday. 1970 was a long time ago, a different world back then. So many changes in many aspects of my life. So many times. One of the constants in my life, one of the centering forces has been Jim. Yes I have other children, younger, 2 wonderful ones, but before they […]

Good Friday

Published on March 21, 2008

The first bit of “good” is that I have to work. (NOT)  With my job, there’s no such thing as closing for the holidays, or weekends, or blizzards – or really anything.  Oh, well, I knew all this when I came in the door the first time. Random Thoughts I suspect that, were I to get a […]