Archive for the 'Family Stuff' Category

Packing it up

Published on January 29, 2012

Takes as much or more time for me to decide on craft projects, knitting/spinning supplies AND devices (laptop, cell, cameras, Kindle, Sat Radio, iPod) and their various travel cases and charging/syncing cords as it does for me to gather up the clothes I’ll need when I’m away. Paul is at work this morning and fears […]


Published on January 23, 2012

Yesterday daughter and I visited my brother and sister-in-law and during the hours of gabbing, SIL Joyce mentioned that the 4 of us hadn’t gotten together and gone to the Chinatown Buffet in a while – we all love Chinese Food. So today, I remembered something my friend Tony had posted this morning:   And […]

Plans being made, and other stuff

Published on January 14, 2012

I’m making plans to go places, get things done, be a bit more productive, knit more, use my crock pot more, rotate what’s in the freezer and stay away from chocolate.