Archive for the 'Family Stuff' Category

Sidewalk Chalk

Published on July 2, 2008

Sidewalk chalk and 2 small artists became a decorative asset to my driveway. We are not sure why one felt the need to practice standing on one foot.   The tongue sticking out makes me think that this is a tough task, but he’s really getting better at it.  We’re just not sure why? All fellas need […]

Guys will be guys

Published on June 26, 2008

On Wednesdays, I always pick up the fellows from day care, because their mom works until 9p.   Their day care is right on the way home, so I just zoom in, grab them up and we’re on our way.  The greatest delay is in buckling them into their car seats.  But this week the plan was varied a bit, […]

Guess what we had for dinner?

Published on June 25, 2008

K and I both worked today, and Pop won’t be home until late.  We wanted a quick dinner, easy to fix, that the fellas would eat.  Neither one of us wanted to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.   We came up with several ideas, asked the boys, and made a decision. GUESS!!!!!