Archive for the 'Family Stuff' Category

Don’t bother to call

Published on July 18, 2008

If you need me tonight, I’ll be at the Delaware State Fair – as usual, it’s being held over the hottest damn days of the summer so far.  I think this may be some sort of requirement – I remember taking the kids to the Fair 20 years ago, and bitching about the same thing […]

One of my hats

Published on July 17, 2008

Last night, after dinner, and bathtime, and an episode of their favorite show, and drinks of their favorite peach-flavored water, and petting the dog and kisses all around, the twins went to their beds. But apparently not to sleep.  I heard thumping, and bumping and scurrying, and giggling.  And chattering.   So Pop went down the […]

A Corn-y Tradition

Published on July 8, 2008

On the weekend surrounding the 4th of July in the USA, a lot of sweet corn is eaten.   LIke roasting a turkey on our Thanksgiving, this is just what we here in the US do!   And almost every single kernal of corn eaten this weekend was chewed directly off the cob.  That, too, is what […]