Archive for the 'Family Stuff' Category


Published on November 9, 2008

I promised myself that I would post every day in November. There’s nothing to write about today, so instead of even trying to come up with something witty or intelligent, I’ll just post an old photo! See – once upon a time, the hair was dark and I was thin!  This is probably sometime in ’81, […]

Feeling the chill

Published on October 24, 2008

It’s only October here, and in Delaware the weather is still moderate – we don’t get those extremes of vicious cold that I lived through for two years in upstate New York – now that place was freakin’ cold.  But not here.  Only very rarely do we ever get that kind of weather that freezes the […]

The Marines have landed!

Published on September 21, 2008

I’ve been away on a bit of a holiday for a week, and there are stories and pictures coming. But, more importantly, my daughter’s husband is safely home.  He has completed his duty in Iraq, and Kate was able to travel to where he is stationed and spend some time with him.  Certainly not enough […]