Archive for the 'Family Stuff' Category

Strangest damn turkey I ever saw

Published on November 27, 2008

First thing this morning, the dessert was made, the turkey was stuffed and it went into the oven at the appropriate time.   Went downhill from there. Midway through the long time that it takes for a stuffed turkey to cook, we noticed that we had a cold oven.  The burners would light, the oven’s cleaning […]

I is for Idiot

Published on November 26, 2008

The mittens are done.  They were hardly a time-consuming or challenging project.  Two wee mittens.   And they’re exactly like the two wee mittens I made last week.  So the directions were familiar!!   The only thing different is the color.  Last week’s pair for Twin A were red, Twin B insisted that his be blue.  He just has […]

Up to the Minute Bulletins

Published on November 21, 2008

It’s my habit to get up early enough in the morning that I can fix my breakfast and coffee, carry it out near my computer, and read the morning news, e-mails and enjoy a calm start to my day.  Usually things get much more hectic as the day progresses, but this lull of peaceful time, with […]