Archive for the 'Family Stuff' Category

It has SPRUNG!!!!

Published on March 17, 2009

On a nice day last fall, I took the wee fellows out into the front yard with a bag of crocus bulbs and dull butter knives. Just like I did almost 30 years ago with my own, I sat with K’s boys on the ground under a tree, showed them how to shove the knife […]

It’s Friday already?

Published on March 13, 2009

I was off yesterday, and will work on Saturday in it’s stead. Got the fasting blood tests done first thing, and got the last (I hope!!) chest x-ray taken, after January’s debacle with aspiration pneumonia. Then Pop and I spent the day moving stuff from that storage locker back to the house. I would love to […]

Moving on with life

Published on February 23, 2009

Life goes on, and it’s often boring. I suppose that’s to be expected at my age, but I find it difficult to accept at times! I’m looking at vacation places, knowing there’ll be a funding shortage for that sort of thing this year, what with all the medical stuff going on. I would much rather spend our dollars on […]