Archive for the 'Family Stuff' Category

It’s that time of year…

Published on October 4, 2010

that I used to buy a big pumpkin. We would cut it open, scoop out it’s “innards” and carve a face on it.  Then it got carried to the front porch, and the candle inside glowed for all to see the scary (?) face.  Then it rotted in it’s place and was gotten rid of. […]

Right now……

Published on August 27, 2010

This says it all. Some days it’s better. Some are worse. Pop had to have eye surgery, and it was so much fun, he’s going back for another episode next week, too, on the other eye. This time, it’s me driving him around and he’s wearing the funny glasses that they give you.  His problem was […]

Week 2

Published on March 29, 2010

The list of Things Accomplished is still a hell of a lot smaller than the list of Things That Still Need to be Done. Damn. However, so far, I have: Filed for Unemployment Compensation, received a statement back from the Dept of Labor with notice that I’ll get the maximum allowable in this state. Now, […]