Archive for the 'Kids' Category

Busy Week

Published on October 16, 2011

Went down to daughter’s last week, stayed overnight and came back on Friday. Hit a yarn store in Prince Frederick on the way down, spent time playing with the boys, relaxing with Kate, got to go with her to her doctor appt in the morning and meet her midwife. She is big, and tired, and […]

Catching up

Published on February 28, 2011

Oh, my, it’s been a long time.  I can’t possible write about everything that went on for all this time. There was a trip to daughter’s, to see her receive her Associate’s Degree in ParaLegal Studies. Well, actually, the school mailed her the diploma months ago, but she decided to participate in the ceremony in […]

Early January update

Published on January 11, 2011

We’ve gotten through the holidays – kids were all here on the weekend before, due to scheduling conflicts, but it worked out well as I had to work on the actual holiday; that’s how it goes when you work in the health care field.  And when daughter and husband went off for a week ALONE, […]