Archive for the 'Kids' Category

Happy New Year!

Published on December 31, 2007

No, I haven’t fallen off the planet.   No, I haven’t gotten much done. Pop is home from the hospital; he managed to get in the door just a few minutes ahead of Santa, or so it seemed.  Little got done at home while he was in the hospital as I was running back and forth, around and around like […]

Boost in Holiday Spirit sorely needed

Published on December 17, 2007

If ya got any spare spirit, apply here. I finally got my act together a bit, and went out to do some shopping.  I actually went to the local Wal-Mart on a Sunday, just before Christmas, thus giving my husband reason to reconsider his diagnosis of depression of the day before and decide now to have […]

Only a collision in the heavens…

Published on December 15, 2007

could cause something of this magnitude to happen.  Tides will now rise, ice caps will melt, islands will be lost.  The planet will tilt and there will be snow in Panama.  Life as we knew it is over, and we must learn to accept. This is what I saw tonight – and it was scary.  […]