Archive for the 'Kids' Category

Strange stuff just seems to happen near me

Published on March 1, 2008

When I got home from work last night, I must have had that “I don’t feel like cooking” look on my face.  So Pop thought it was a lovely idea to take me out.  Smart man.  His choices were go out to dinner or PB&J.  Nearby is a Chinese Buffet and the food is always […]

I should be ashamed of myself

Published on February 25, 2008

I really should be.  I should have some amount of self-control.  I should not be ordering yarn or roving.  I really don’t NEED any more. Heh. The Loopy Ewe is magnetic, and draws me in  (Well, th- th- that’s my st- st- story and I’m sticking to it) So a box came with yarn, and […]

A Week’s Worth of Thoughts

Published on January 27, 2008

Shit, this may not take long!  I don’t think much.  Or often. I read with amusement a recent post by LookyDaddy where he discusses the fact that he is banned by his wife from using a jackhammer.  Damn, I thought I was the only wife who threw that sort of fit, and issued those sorts […]