Archive for the 'Kids' Category


Published on April 26, 2008

There is a clearly defined relationship between how much you spend on a given item and how much enjoyment you get back for that price.  Or at least, how much enjoyment you expect to get out of it.  That’s what decides every purchase we make, large or small.  This is part of the equation that we sock knitters […]


Published on April 10, 2008

My son sent me this link today: It tells of a vehicle accident on a bridge that he goes over almost every day commuting to work.  The car was hit by a tractor-trailer ON THE BRIDGE, and then it burst into flames.  A narrow bridge.  My son knows I am terrified of heights, do […]

March 26 – an epic date

Published on March 26, 2008

Jimps First, it’s Jim’s birthday. 1970 was a long time ago, a different world back then. So many changes in many aspects of my life. So many times. One of the constants in my life, one of the centering forces has been Jim. Yes I have other children, younger, 2 wonderful ones, but before they […]