Archive for the 'Kids' Category

The Marines have landed!

Published on September 21, 2008

I’ve been away on a bit of a holiday for a week, and there are stories and pictures coming. But, more importantly, my daughter’s husband is safely home.  He has completed his duty in Iraq, and Kate was able to travel to where he is stationed and spend some time with him.  Certainly not enough […]

The day just gets better and better

Published on

Edit to note:     This should have been published before I left on vacation.  I got busy, thought I had, and shut off the computer!!  Started out as “one of those days.”  Thinking more of vacationing than working, I went to work.  Lucky me – I got “randomly selected” for the full security check.  Not just […]

Some folks can tell a story

Published on September 4, 2008

And there’s a good one, over here.  If you’re using IE, you may have to scroll down past the sidebars to see the post.  I told her to go in and edit the CSS and make the “container” bigger, wider; she told me to use a different browser.