Archive for the 'Grandchildren' Category

Everything starts in Sydney

Published on February 17, 2009

Sydney is where the day begins. Sydney is where the first big televised New Year’s celebrations are shown. They celebrate before the rest of us – actually, 12 hours before we do here on the US east coast. They are first, and can stick their tongue out at the rest of us tagging along behind.   […]

D is for December

Published on December 1, 2008

And for Dentist, but I don’t have to think of that until the 18th. And for Dog, who sleeps at my feet; what a loving soul she is.  Nobody that knows her is buying that, huh?  Truth?  She’s a pain in the ass and when she’s at my feet, she farts a lot.  Those ones […]

I is for Idiot

Published on November 26, 2008

The mittens are done.  They were hardly a time-consuming or challenging project.  Two wee mittens.   And they’re exactly like the two wee mittens I made last week.  So the directions were familiar!!   The only thing different is the color.  Last week’s pair for Twin A were red, Twin B insisted that his be blue.  He just has […]