Archive for the 'Grandchildren' Category

Overheard in the morning

Published on December 4, 2007

I hear strange conversations.  Not strange voices, mind you.  I haven’t gone around that bend yet, but just truly strange conversations. At my house, with DD and her wee twins, odd conversations are common as cheerios. “You don’t need your diaper changed.  You just farted.”

Best laid plans….

Published on November 15, 2007

I thought I would have a picture of finished socks, and I have the cuff ribbing done on the toe-up pair, but I wanted to try the bind-off that Wendy suggested in a post a week or so back.  Pop was on the computer, looking at golf stuff, so I couldn’t get to it, and […]

a busy month is in store? Can I go hide now?

Published on November 1, 2007

Egad, it’s NaBloPoMo again!  Who’da thunk it???  How time flies from one November to the next.  The bigger question is — am I up to it?  a post every day for a month??   There’s so many issues here firmly against my success.  I have that pesky “day job” that unreasonably takes up so much of my […]