Archive for the 'Grandchildren' Category

Happy New Year!

Published on December 31, 2007

No, I haven’t fallen off the planet.   No, I haven’t gotten much done. Pop is home from the hospital; he managed to get in the door just a few minutes ahead of Santa, or so it seemed.  Little got done at home while he was in the hospital as I was running back and forth, around and around like […]

Great Faces

Published on December 8, 2007

Tonight K and I went to the Christmas Pageant at the twins’ day care.  Afterward refreshments were served, and the boys love cookies. These may have been the best pictures I’ve taken in a long time.  

Lots of Hats

Published on December 7, 2007

The two wee hats were a quick knit, and now, finally, appear to be a success with the twins – for a while, one would, one wouldn’t wear a hat!! But perhaps the very cold weather of the last few days changed one fellow’s thoughts on the matter. They really wanted to go outside and […]