Archive for the 'Grandchildren' Category

A Corn-y Tradition

Published on July 8, 2008

On the weekend surrounding the 4th of July in the USA, a lot of sweet corn is eaten.   LIke roasting a turkey on our Thanksgiving, this is just what we here in the US do!   And almost every single kernal of corn eaten this weekend was chewed directly off the cob.  That, too, is what […]

Sidewalk Chalk

Published on July 2, 2008

Sidewalk chalk and 2 small artists became a decorative asset to my driveway. We are not sure why one felt the need to practice standing on one foot.   The tongue sticking out makes me think that this is a tough task, but he’s really getting better at it.  We’re just not sure why? All fellas need […]

Guys will be guys

Published on June 26, 2008

On Wednesdays, I always pick up the fellows from day care, because their mom works until 9p.   Their day care is right on the way home, so I just zoom in, grab them up and we’re on our way.  The greatest delay is in buckling them into their car seats.  But this week the plan was varied a bit, […]