Archive for the 'Aggravations, Peeves' Category

DNA gone awry?

Published on March 1, 2009

Long overdue post. The other night I went shopping, all over town, countless different stores in a large mall, looking for shoes. Not just any shoes to protect my feet from pavement or the elements – that would have been easy – I could have just “shopped like a man.” Picked the first pair in […]

Let it Snow???

Published on January 27, 2009

Here in Delaware, we get more predictions of snow than actual white fluffy stuff.  Nine times out of ten, it goes north of us, and on this peninsula we stay protected from the worst of it. When Philadelphia gets 6 inches, we get a dusting.  Today’s forecast was for a bit of snow today, with […]


Published on January 8, 2009

In an unexpected move, I mean really totally unexpected and shocking, actually – the sun came out today. Thousands of local people stood outside in the cold and wind to witness this event, looking skyward in wonderment at the miraculous happening.  Small children were frightened by the brightness and cried piteously.  People were seen holding […]