Archive for the 'Aggravations, Peeves' Category


Published on April 17, 2009

I received this today in an e-mail from a grand friend of long-standing – note that I did not say “From another old fart that I’ve known forever.” This may explain a lot. This may explain why I was ready to take apart the DMV this week when I went there to renew my driver’s […]

Useless Trivia

Published on March 23, 2009

One of my brothers was born on the same day, year as George Harrison. They were born on different continents, though. I was born on the same day, year as Billy Joel. He and I were born 22 miles apart.  I was born at about 930am. Maybe I’m older. (But it can’t be by much!) I have a […]


Published on March 3, 2009

It was a wet snow that we got yesterday. Dry snow is like powder, blows around a lot more. Wet snow sticks where it lands, better for making snowballs. Packs to ice fast, so it can make a really nasty snowball! It clings to its fellow snow-mates, I guess. I opened the storm door, looked […]