Archive for the 'Aggravations, Peeves' Category

A stray thought – or four

Published on November 20, 2008

Seen in a post in a forum that I read: 1 day of coal or 364 days of fun?   I’ll take my chances!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I’m on the Dell mailing list, having bought 2 or 3 desktop units, one laptop – and a desktop for my son from them.  And almost every damn day, there’s an […]

One penny, two pennies

Published on November 13, 2008

Today’s headlines are that Wal-Mart Stores, Inc, the world’s largest retailer, has posted higher 3rd quarter profits than expected.  While the bottom is dropping out everywhere, GM and Ford Motor Company become more shaky day by day, Circuit City (2nd largest electronics store in the country) declares Chapter 11 bankruptcy, whole malls are closing, our […]

Rare politically-based thought

Published on November 11, 2008

Once again, I’m annoyed. I stay out of politics, make little to no politically-oriented comments on this blog.  Ever.  Now I might mumble something under my breath at home in the kitchen while standing at the stove stirring the gravy, but I avoid much more than that.  I was taught, as a child, that you […]