Archive for October, 2010

Nice to always have a camera!

Published on October 16, 2010

I don’t like gray, overcast or rainy days. I usually have a list of chores to do and hate running about in the rain, or driving in it.  But sometimes, I like stormy skies. I took this from inside my car, just leaving work and waiting for the engine to warm. I barely made it […]

Left-handed way of doing things

Published on October 15, 2010

One of the knitting projects that I’ve enjoyed doing is Entrelac scarves with Noro, a yarn with long color repeats.  “Back in the day,” we used ombre type yarns that seemed to change color about every 4-6 stitches. These newer yarns will give you rows of the same color and then gradually blend into the next […]

Evening with a friend

Published on October 14, 2010

On Wednesday night, I spent the evening with my friend Maria, before she leaves for quite a few weeks. Much has been going on in her life, much in mine, and sharing with a friend seems to double the good parts and halve the not-so-good. Oh, how we laughed together – and I will miss […]