Archive for June, 2008

Guided by Love

Published on June 19, 2008

I surf the net a lot.  My life would be better organized, I would get more done, my floors would be cleaner, were it not so. I read quite a few blogs.  This also takes time away from the floor cleaning tasks.   To speed up the process, I use the Google Reader software, and it checks all […]

The Forest has a small canopy

Published on June 18, 2008

Here’s part of my efforts so far.  It looks like brightly colored zits.  It’s the Forest Canopy Shawl, available through Ravelry and on the designer’s site.  This is a crappy cell phone picture in lousy light conditions.  The pattern and the work of the designer deserve a better picture. Patternwork shows, but the colors are […]

Why don’t I listen?

Published on June 16, 2008

We apparently got some really bad thunderstorms here last night.  They were predicted.  I went to bed.  When I got up this morning, everything was wet.  Everyone at work today was saying, “Wow, did you hear that storm go through last night?” and “Did you get any damage when it tore through?” and voicing similar questions and concerns.  As […]