Archive for January, 2008

I found my way to work, and then, I got home again.

Published on January 9, 2008

All by myself! Wow, what a fantastic accomplishment!!   Especially when you figure that I’ve worked in the same place for almost 6 years AND I worked in the very same building for 4 years way back in the ’70’s (when, ahem, I was obviously a pre-schooler!) (or even younger).  Well. See, I got a TomTom XL-S GPS device and […]

New Year’s Tentative Goals that I might get to in 2008, maybe, unless something comes up, and it probably will, I think

Published on January 6, 2008

So everybody else starts out the new year with NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS! And everybody else sounds so Confident, and so Definite, and so “It shall be done.” And so damned pleased with themselves. Well, after the last few weeks I’ve had, I’m not gonna be confident and definite about anything, except maybe dinnertime today, because […]

As a rewl

Published on January 4, 2008

I don’t read LOLCATZ posts.  Every once in a while, one of the kids sends me something funny, and I go look at it – and usually laugh, but I’m not a regular reader.  And I don’t expect I’ll ever be.  I’m already too far behind on the sites and blogs I read now. But […]