Archive for December, 2007

Lots of Hats

Published on December 7, 2007

The two wee hats were a quick knit, and now, finally, appear to be a success with the twins – for a while, one would, one wouldn’t wear a hat!! But perhaps the very cold weather of the last few days changed one fellow’s thoughts on the matter. They really wanted to go outside and […]

An inch, maybe??

Published on December 6, 2007

  An inch, maybe??, originally uploaded by Petunia509. Couldn’t find my ice scraper when I came out of work, but there wasn’t that much snow, and I brushed it off with the elbow of my coat!! The snow still looked rather pristine when I pulled into the driveway. The grass wasn’t fully covered yet.  The […]

Sick, spinning with it!!

Published on December 5, 2007

I stayed home yesterday, feeling miserable with a cold.  Worst part about it was that I had no voice.  I might have chosen to go to work feeling miserable – just stayed in my little office away from everyone else, EXCEPT that 90% of my job requires verbal contact with either customers or co-workers.  Without […]