Archive for December, 2007

News Flash: Knitting makes little progress

Published on December 10, 2007

Here’s Pop’s watch cap, with very little knitting done on it.  I really figured I’d finish it over the weekend, and it shouldn’t have taken all that much time.  And I intended to get a whole lot of other things done, too.  The best of intentions doesn’t always translate into completion.  Not in my life, anyway.          […]

Great Faces

Published on December 8, 2007

Tonight K and I went to the Christmas Pageant at the twins’ day care.  Afterward refreshments were served, and the boys love cookies. These may have been the best pictures I’ve taken in a long time.  

And another thing!!

Published on December 7, 2007

December 7 is Delaware Day. On December 7, 1787, Delaware was the first state to ratify the federal Constitution.  We are “The First State” and that’s why. Few really care.